Manvel taken prisoner by Azerbaijani secret service

The parents of Manvel Saribekyan, who was brutally killed in an Azerbaijani prison, think Manvel did not appear in Azerbaijan accidentally. They believe that Manvel was taken prisoner by the Azerbaijani reconnoitres.
"I do not believe the official version that Manvel lost his way in search of lost cattle, and crossed the border inadvertently. Manvel knew the territory well enough not to get lost in the fog. Manvel was still 13 when he fetched wood from the neighbourhood to heat the house," Manvel's mother Siranush Balyan told A1+.
Her husband Mamikon Saribekyan confirmed her words and added that all villagers knew the section of the border and could hardly get lost because of weather.
Siranush Balyan learnt about Manvel's disappearance from her neighbours. The whole village went in search of Manvel on the same day.
The parents say Manvel was not a sheperd but a worker and received AMD 5000 a day.
"On that day, Manvel had breakfast at 9 in the morning and left the house. In the evening when Manvel returned home, one of our neighbours asked him to go after the cattle. The stray animal belonged to our neighbours," said Siranush Balyan.
The parents say on the third day they were told that Manvel was in Azerbaijan and had already made an announcement on the Intrenet.
"I couldn't recognise Manvel's voice on the video. He seemed to have been injected and forced to make the statement," said Manvel's mother.
The parents have not received the results of the forensic examination.
The investigation of the criminal case has been tasked to the RA National Security Service.
The reasons for the death are being clarified, RA NSS Spokesman Artsvik Baghramyan told A1+.
On September 11, resident of the Armenian village Ttu Jur Manvel Saribekyan lost his way and was taken prisoner by the Azerbaijani forces. After a few days, a video interview was demonstrated on one of Azerbaijani TV channels in which Saribekyan said that was directed to Azerbaijan with the aim of committing a terrorist act. After a few months of captivity, Saribekyan was found hung in an Azeri prison.