Armenian-Chinese friendship school opened in Yerevan (video)

On August 22, the Armenian-Chinese friendship school opened in Yerevan, which has been constructed by the assistance of China. All the programs of the school will be taught in Armenian, with the difference that the Chinese language will be among the priorities in the school. All students from the 5th to 12th grades can be admitted to he Armenian-Chinese friendship school both from Yerevan or other Armenian provinces. Special teachers will also come from China. A special dormitory building is built adjacent to the school for the latter and the students. There are 27 classes in the school, with 15 students each. The school is designed for 405 students. The total cost of this educational project is more than $ 12 million, which includes the costs of the complete construction and equipment of the school.There is a gym, laboratory, library, computers labs. Spartak Vardanyan, Acting Director of the Armenian-Chinese friendship school, told "A1+" that this cooperation in the Armenian-Chinese educational sector will boost Chinese investment opportunities in Armenia. "Pupils of N103 high school are currently studying at the school, and teachers are the same. This school will definitely be different from the former educational institution because new conditions dictate new requirements. An in-depth study of Chinese language will be mandatory for all grades: 3 hours a week for pupils from the 5th to 12th grades, and more than 4 hours a week for higher classes. Chinese language textbooks have been donated by the Chinese side, mainly with cooperate with the Confucius Institute," he said. He also informed that the school can provide additional services for those wishing to learn Chinese. To note, the results of the students' previous academic years were taken into consideration during the Armenian-Chinese school admission. "The principle of admission has been calculated with mean arithmetic, as I think this option is fair. It is the right approach, the correct calculation has taken place and I think the results will become known tomorrow. The admission was free, 330 new students were enrolled, and 70 pupils continue their high school from N103 school, "Lyudmila Apresyan, Deputy Director of the School, told "A1 +." Even if the pupils of the graduating class are going to study the Chinese language for a year, they are sure that this period will be enough. "Learning in this school is a great success because knowledge of Chinese language will open new doors for success," said Nune Mkhitaryan. "I will be a dance instructor and travel to China. I am convinced that I will make it faster and learn the language as soon as possible," said another student Nelli Harutyunyan. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and China’s Ambassador to Armenia Tian Erlong also attended the opening ceremony of the Armenian-Chinese friendship school. Pashinyan inquired whether Armenians were learning the language easily or not. The ambassador replied: "In the case of Armenian linguistic abilities, it is quite easy; there are about 1000 people in Armenia that learn Chinese language today." Then he added that the front part of the building was built from the Armenian obsidian.