Protester: Prime Minister's Assistant and Minister of Education and Science make decisions that Mr. Pashinyan is not aware of (video)

A group of lecturers from Yerevan's N2 regional college are complaining that their director Karlen Hayrapetyan has committed a number of illegal activities but has not been punished. "There were more than 100 'fake' students in the college, who did not attend classes, even they did not live in Armenia. These students made agreements with the college principal, thanked him and received diplomas, "says Mkitaryan Pastuvyan, a former college deputy director. According to him, the inspection body has detected up to twenty dozens of cases of illegalities, but the Ministry of Education has not given any assessment to these inspections so far. Patvakanyan says that the college staff has been applying for the Ministry of Education for months. Anahit Bakhshyan has also sent a letter, but none of them has been responded by the Ministry. "The Minister of Education and Deputy Minister quickly understood the director, who became the director of the educational institution due to corruption during Serzh Sargsyan's regime. I can say that the inspections of the inspectorate are not assessed as the Minister of Education and Science sponsors the college director. " Patvavanyan said that when they raised the above mentioned issues, the college management reduced their hours and then dismissed. The lecturers are demanding to meet with the prime minister as they have doubts that he is not aware of what's happening. "We sent a letter to the Prime Minister and there is no answer yet. We have doubts that Prime Minister's Assistant Nairi Sargsyan and Minister of Education and Science Arayik Harutyunyan make decisions that Mr. Pashinyan is not aware of. " Deputy Minister of Education and Science Hovhannes Hovhannisyan told "A1 +" that the Ministry of Education responded to the citizens' applications in a proper manner, and an internal investigation is underway on the inspections. According to the Deputy Minister, Paraguyan is lying and no one has been dismissed. "Postanjyan was not dismissed, on the contrary, his salary was raised. He used to receive 60,000 drams and now he is receiving 120,000 drams. "