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There are a lot of ministries that will borrow a $ 2 billion loan and spend it enjoyably - Ashot Khurshudyan


Economist Ashot Khurshudyan, an expert at the International Center for Human Development, stated that the fact that our economic growth is conditioned by mining is worth worrying. "The part of the economy that does not work can still not work and we can get along with the mining industry. An economy where there is a 17% unemployment rate, this is already about having a very unhealthy economy." "There are a lot of ministries that will borrow a $ 2 billion loan and spend it enjoyably, we take it, but the outcome is unseen," says the economist. The economist is saddened by the fact that Armenia is proud of its tomato production. "Previously, we were considered a banana country, but now tomatoes. It is very bad that we are based on non-production foods. "