10 or 20 drams for Serzh Sargsyan's retirement

"Deny Serzh" civil initiative launches fundraising for Serzh Sargsyan's retirement. However, there is a limit of donation, each citizen can donate 10 or 20 drams. Serzh Sargsyan's term of office expires on April 9. "We are convinced that he will retire. At a meeting of scientists, when scientists say they need their money, he counteracted and stated that he needs money, too. Now we understand that he is going to retire and he needs money for that, "Davit Sanasaryan, member of the" Deny Serzh "Civil Initiative told A1 + . Fundraising will take place on April 5 and 6, in Cascade, near the Yeritasardakan subway station. In case of donating 20 drams, 50% of the donation will be granted to Serzh Sargsyan's brother Alexander Sargsyan. "In order not to have a fight between them and not lose the time, we will give 50% at once," Davit Sanasaryan added. Many RPA figures consider Serzh Sargsyan irreplaceable. However, the candidate name for the prime minister has not yet been published.