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Sasna Dzrer trial: Lawyer boycotts court sessions


The trial of the 14 members of the Sasna Dzrer (the Daredevils of Sassoun) continues in the Court of General Jurisdiction of Avan and Nor Nork administrative districts. A couple of minutes ago, Judge Artush Gabrielyan read out the application of Arayik Papikyan, who represents the inetersts of Sasna Dzrer group member Arayik Khandoyan. The lawyer said he would not participate in hearings as a sign of protest against treatment towards his colleagues. “During the previous session, there were metal items in my bag but I was allowed to enter the court building without any obstacle while my colleagues could not. I consider this to be a prejudiced attitude and declare that I am boycotting court sittings,” Arayik Papikyan said in his application. As soon as the judge ended the statement, everyone in the courtroom began applauding. The judge again retired to decide on sanctions against lawyers. Before that, he read his decision about lawyers Lusine Sahakyan and Mushegh Shushanyan and said he had decided to appeal to the Chamber of Advocates.