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“Referendum must have been held connected with 1000 drams’ fund” (video)


“If those 1000 drams given to the army aren’t a tax, it means that referendum must have been held for approving it,” Vigen Khachatryan, former lawmaker of the SC, told journalists. He thinks that the obligation to pay 1000 drams to the fund has been criticized by the society. “They should have started from voluntary movement; some ‘X’ people should have invested money and later it could have been legalized. First, the need for the law must have been established in the society, then it could have been adopted. Criticism was fair,” said Khachatryan, adding that the authorities hurried up with it. The NA lawmaker Levon Martirosyan noted that it wasn’t beneficial for the newly appointed Defense Minister to come up with such a high-profile initiative at the beginning. “If it has been done, it means that there is a need for it,” he noted.