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Bread price up in Kapan


Bread prices have gone up in Kapan by 20-30 drams. A loaf of bread weighing 600 grams is sold at AMD 240 at the groceries. The new prices are determined by the advance in flour prices.

The decision to set new prices for bread was taken during a meeting with the Syunik Marzpet (Governor) and local bakers. Kapan residents are outraged by the price hike.

"We buy at least four loaves of bread a day. We are unable to make both ends meet. Cheese is already a luxury for us and now they deprive us of bread," said Mts. Arus.
The price increase has left pensioners in a sorrowful plight; they can hardly pay for utilities with pension.
Officials explain the new prices by the rise in fuel and oil prices.