How to spend the vacation

Resident of Alaverdi, educator Marine Davoyan has only been able to go on summer vacation once throughout her 10-year teaching career when her brother invited her to the seaside.
"Teachers used to make enough money to go on vacation. No matter how much they say that the teachers' salaries are high, they're still not enough for us to go on vacation," says the educator.
Teachers are not the only ones who can't go on vacation. For women of Alaverdi, summer is the best season to make conserves, wash carpets and prepare for the winter.
Many don't even think about summer vacation because they need jobs for that.
"Who can go on vacation in this torn city of Alaverdi? People aren't even able to earn a living. The only time I will relax is when I will be able to pay off my interest rates and not be bothered by anybody," complained Mrs. Gohar.
"Ankyun+3" TV