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Today the teachers of the Gyumri school N15 have gone on strike. Only five teachers have decided to keep working. According headmaster Hamazasp Khachatryan, the teachers demand their salary which they have not received for a year.

On December 12 the headmaster asked them to wail a little longer as the school has debts. Mr. Khachatryan considers this step of the teachers hasty. Nevertheless, the teachers claim they should have taken it earlier. According to teacher of physics Tamara Araqelyan, she has to get more than 320 thousand AMD for 2005 and 2006.

The headmaster avoided answering questions about the volume of the debt to the teachers.

The teachers try to solve the problem through the Shirak governor. They claim if there is no solution they will go to higher instances.

Armenuhi Minasyan

TV Company “Tsayg”