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The village of Drakhtik, region of Gegharqouniq, which has 1200 residents, is mainly populated by refugees. The main occupation of the residents is cattle breeding.

According to Melsik Ghalachyan, the head of the village, if there were 250 animals in the village in 1993, today there are more than 1200. The meat and dairy produce is sold both in the region and in the markets of the capital. Besides, one of the dairy produce companies buys milk from the village paying 80-120 AMD per liter.

The village has not been gasified even in the Soviet times. But now the community has invested means in order to carry out the gasification of the village. The village budget has invested about 70 million AMD for the purpose.

And still, Drakhtik has problems which are unresolved; for example, that of telecommunication. In particular, because of the complicated geographic position of the village, the residents cannot watch Armenian TV channels. Instead, they watch satellite channels, but this means is too expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

Telephone connected is of very low quality. The cables have not been changed or repaired for decades. «We cannot do it with local means», says the head of the community expecting the aid of the RA Government.