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Though the state budget will not allot money for the construction of new flats in Gyumri in the forthcoming 1 – 2 years, a new house-building program will be realised in Gyumri in 2007.

The city authorities see the investments of oversea businessmen and the allocations of the local district as an alternative source to solve the problem of homeless people.

“We intend to open a new fund. We have a lot of businessmen living in Odessa. I shall assemble the well-off people of the city. Many of them have already expressed their readiness to help,” says Vardan Ghukasyan, Mayor of Gyumri.

The new blocks of flats will be raised on the semi-built bases laid in 1982 – 1992 in the districts of the city. Under the decision of the RA Government, the above-mentioned buildings are currently at the disposal of the city municipality.

There are over 847 half-built objects in the marz; 818 of them are dwelling places and 29 - public buildings. The construction of these buildings was halted because of the lack of financial means. Besides, most of the construction material has been taken away over the past years because of the public’s and authorities’ indifference. Thus, we can assume that great sums of money are needed to raise the buildings.

Which of the homeless residents will have an opportunity to get a flat? And which are the criteria of choosing the future dwellers? The Mayor of Gyumri claims that first of all the multi-member families will be provided with flats regardless of the fact they have the status of homeless family or not. It is not known yet how many families will become house owners. The sum required for the construction of new blocks of flats is also obscure. All the financial means will be at the disposal of the municipality and the future house owners will be involved in the reconstruction works.

The construction will likely start in 2007 and the interior works will be completed by the turn of the year. Let’s hope that the construction plans of the authorities will be realized at least partially, taking into consideration the forthcoming elections.

“Tsayg” TV Station, Gyumri.