Government refuses to work transparently (video)
It turns out that in the past 10 years, when the Government sessions were open, the Government acted anti-democratic and worked inefficiently, says Shushan Doydoyan, Founder of the Freedom of Information Center, responding to the draft law "On the Government's Structure and Activity" submitted by the Ministry of Justice Government, according to which the NA sessions should be held behind the closed doors. "By closing the journalists' entrance to the hall, we violate their right of their freedom of expressing their own opinion and having immediate access to information. It will influence society on receiving information as journalists are mediators between the society and Government. " The role of journalists is to confuse the officials, Shushan Doydoyan is convinced. "During the Government sessions, they should think of spending millions of dollars on buying cognac or gifts on March 8, but thinking about repairing roads and installing lights on streets." "RA Justice Minister David Harutyunyan understands quite well that closed-door sessions do not demonstration democracy," said Ashot Melikyan, Chairman of the Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression.