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"Mixed Greens" era (video)


This stage will be called "Mixed Greens" in the historiography. This was stated by Nikol Pashinyan, Head of the NA Yelk (Way Out) faction, in Charles Aznavour Square after the march of the Yelk faction. In detail, he noted that after the previous march again prices rose, the price of gasoline has risen.

"There are epochs in the history, there is the Bronze era, the Iron era. Our current period will be called the "Mixed Greens" era. Pricing has already reached school cupboards, the process is essentially going in the provinces, and the rise in diesel fuel brings new inflation. Meanwhile, the government says the price of mixed greens has dropped by 30 percent. And they say that nothing terrible has happened. They say that our poor people will not die, they have gained immunity, "said Pashinyan and added,"We find this approach inadmissible. Our task is not emigration, but to make the economy of Armenia ultimately competitive."