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Kiraki: People do not quit seasonal work even after failing (video)

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According to the data of the World Economic Forum, as of 2015, ¼ of people born in Armenia do not live in Armenia anymore. About 232 million people around the world (about 3%) live outside their homeland. This year’s last issue of “Kiraki” (Sunday) program touched upon migration issues. According to the United Nations Population Fund, during the recent 25 years, the number of the people, who have migrated from Armenia, makes up 1 million. No other former Soviet republic and no other country of our region has registered such an index. According to the official data, in 2015 the departures of the RA citizens through the RA checkpoints have exceeded arrivals by about 43 400. What does the state do in order to keep its citizens in the country? To what extent does the labor migration influence the fate of families? Are seasonal workers pleased or not? Our colleagues from “Sevan” and “Tsayg” TV companies prepared materials for the program. The program hosted ethnographer Mkhitar Gabrielyan and Arthur Khachatryan, Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Development. Watch the video for more details!