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SOS Amulsar Initiative’s Open Letter to Economy Minister Karen Chshmarityan - Ecolur


By EcoLur “Dear Mr. Minister, At the press conference on 15 October you stated that the factual implementation of Amulsar open pit mining project will be launched in early 2015 and presented certain figures, expected investments etc. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that currently the documentation package on Amulsar project, including the EIA, is undergoing environmental expert assessment at “Environmental Expertise” SNCO of Nature protection Ministry, which hasn’t been accomplished so far. The whole process is supposed to have independent nature and Amulsar project may be issued not positive, but negative opinion, for example, if the risks outlined in the EIA are underestimated or don’t comply with reality or pose threats to the strategic interests of the country. These very risks are laid down in the complaints of 9 public representatives lodged to the CAO. These two influential financial institutions are the main investors of Lydian International Company having submitted Amulsar project into “Environmental Expertise” SNCO. Thus, your public statement made before the environmental expert assessment accomplishes, casts doubts both on the relevance and impartiality of the EIA process on Amulsar project.” This open letter has been dispatched to the CAO office OF IFC and EBRD as well. Signed by Inga Zarafyan, “EcoLur” Informational NGO Levon Galstyan, Pan-Armenian Environmental Front Silva Adamyan, Center for Bird Lovers Vazgen Galstyan, Center for Jermuk Development Tehmine Yneoqyan, “Lragir” journalist Sona Ayvazyan, enviromental policy expert, TIAC deputy director Artur Grigoryan, “Ecoright” NGO