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“Cook” Shaland against “diplomat” Advokaat


Today Armenian football team will have its second qualifying match within the frames of Euro 2016 championship. Our team will host Serbian national team, which played its first match with France and ended in a draw 1:1. But as France is the organizer, it didn’t get points from the match. Yesterday during the press conference, Armenian national team Head Coach Bernard Shaland compared himself with a cook and his players with food, “Imagine I am a cook and I must make a good dish. If I have caviar, lobster and soft meat at hand, I will make wonderful wedding salad. But with the food I have I can make wonderful soup,”- Armenian Football Federation official website cites the words of Shaland. Serbian team Head Coach, Dutch specialist Dick Advocaat hasn’t done such comparisons as he has already been in Yerevan and knows Armenian team more or less, “Armenia is a good team, matches with Czech Republic and Italy prove it. Though some leading players will be absent, the opponent plays in its own field and has serious intentions,”- Serbian FF website cites the words of Dick Advocaat. According to the bookmakers in the match of Armenia-Serbia, Serbia has good chances to win.