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Heritage lawmaker liked the accents Tsarukyan made in his intreview


The four non-governing opposition forces in the Armenian parliament are holding a recurrent working meeting on Friday. The agenda has not been approved yet. Speaking about the recent interview of Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) Leader Gagik Tsarukyan, Heritage faction Chairman Ruben Hakobyan said ‘the interview was conducted with correct accents.’ “The main idea was that things cannot continue in the same way any longer. Personally, I agree with this approach,” said the Heritage representative. With regard to the activity of the opposition quartet and Tsarukyan’s statement that the cooperation can even continue in a trio format, Mr Hakobyan said, “I did not notice that the question was put so categorically. The quartet includes in the agenda all general issues adopted by common consent. Regardless of the outcome, I, as a citizen and lawmaker, think that quartet should continue its activity as an alternative to the authorities.”