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"1000 dram" bill passes second reading (video)


At the beginning of its special sitting initiated by the Armenian government, the National Assembly continued debates on a controversial bill on raising financial compensations to the families of servicemen killed or seriously wounded while on combat duty. The bill proposes that every working Armenian contribute AMD 1000 drams from his/her monthly salary to a special fund to be used for army needs. Before the bill was put to a vote, Hrant Bagratyan, a lawmaker representing the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) in the Armenian parliament, said though he was against the bill he would not participate in the vote. The bill was passed by the National Assembly in the second reading with 98 votes in favour, 2 against and 1 abstention. Opposition lawmakers Levon Zurabyan amd Aram Manukyan said they were confused and voted for the scheme whereas in fact they were against the measure. The bill allows the closest relatives of soldiers who die or become disabled in action to receive AMD 10 million. Wounded soldiers suffering from less serious disabilities will be paid AMD 5 million.