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Founder of “Dolmama” is ready to return half a million dollars

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Zhirayr Avanyan, former owner of Aram 30- the building, which had a century-long history and was demolished, is ready to return half a million dollars, which was given to him as a compensation, let only the building be again on its place. “And now the issue of Dolmama has arisen, is my case a good example for a foreign investor? He [an investor] may think that if he comes to Armenia and establishes a business, it may be taken from him as it happened to Zhirayr,” founder of “Dolmama” Zhirayr Avanyan told “A1+”. He thinks that those, who demolish, are on the wrong way, “The mistake cannot last so long, it is wrong to demolish, demolition is expensive.” Still according to the decision of the Government in 2013, territory of “Abovyan-Pushkin-Sakharov” square has been recognized an eminent domain and “Local Developers” company belonging to Samvel Mayrapetyan has been recognized an acquirer of the territory. “I bought the territory of Dolmama in the building of 19th century and was able to make it an international brand. It is possible and the territory itself gave me that chance, as it is warm, people like warm places, there is warmth in the old buildings. You won’t get that warmth in the new buildings,” says the founder of “Dolmama”. Yerevan Municipality has stated that 4 memorial-buildings in the area will be maintained, but it isn’t known which those buildings are.