Support A1+!6 weak shakes were registered in the target region of Spitak within 22 days in March. The earthquakes occurred mainly in the North – Eastern part of the area where the epicentre has the largest depth. The shakes reached to 3 – 4 degrees by the Richter skale. According to the director of the Southern Department of the National Seismic Security Service Sergey Nazaretyan the shakes make them conclude that the post shaking procedure of the 1988 earthquake still continues.
According to the data of the same service there have been earthquakes in Javakhq and in Erzrum this month, besides the skakes in Spitak. The seismologists state that there haven’t had so many earthquakes in the territory within a month in the recent years. They do not exclude the possibility that the shakes may go on in Spitak in the nearest future.
“Tsayg” TV channel of Gumri