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Developers in Armenia create artificial intelligence (video)

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A group of programmers in Armenia are currently working on artificial intelligence modeling. Their ultimate goal is to make it a reality. Their opinion on artificial intelligence does not coincide with the application of neural networks or the use of big data storage methods and techniques. “We are not modeling the brain, but ist behaviour. If we spot any manifestation of brain behaviour we program it into our module called Aya,” says Khachatur Nikoghosyan, who is the founder of the project. Today special programs are created in the world for intelligent agents and machines–robots. It is equally important to know the structure of the robot and the environment where it is put into action. This means the program is changed with the changes in the robot body and environment. Things are completely different in case of Aya. This system is put inside a robot or any other device and is easily adapted to the body, allowing the device to recognize the external world ArmMen program working with Aya system is already available on the Internet. Mr Nikoghosyan says the other options of the project will be available in 2016.