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Charles Aznavour was always young, he never felt old - Ara Babloyan


Since yesterday, Yerevan mourns the death of world-renowned singer Charles Aznavour. "Aznavour" center was crowded. A condolence book was opened here, in memory of the co-founder of the Aznavour Foundation, chansonnier Charles Aznavour. "For me and for all, Aznavour was the pride of the nation. Aznavour was an indescribable person in my life. He taught me not only with his songs, but also with his whole life. When he was saying that he would not die and live for more than 120 years and will be immortal, now I can proudly say that he was immortalized," Heghine Khachatryan mentioned during a conversation with "A1 +." Shaqe Kanachyan considers herself fortunate to be present at the concert of Charles Aznavour. "Last year he came to Brazil and we were able to attend our concert. We took our flaf with us, showed it, he looked up and took his hand to his heart. We were very excited." He was always young, he never felt old, said National Assembly Speaker Ara Babloyan. "I knew him closely for 30 years, after the earthquake, he was changing and not change over the years. He did not change because he was Charles, he was changing because he was growing up and even growing old." "I believe that everything is in our hands. Everyone's life is in his hands, my destiny is proof of that. But first of all, we need to approach the right doors and be able to open them," said Charles Aznavour during one of the interviews, and he himself made his word into action, opening thousands of doors to human hearts with his songs.