Whether street culture and trade are "colorful part" of city or disturbance (video)
Chief of Police Valeri Osipyan has to explain why yesterday the police detained two street musicians who were from Ukraine. According to Osipyan, the musicians were not sober, they argued with each other, the passers-by were watching, so they had to intervene. The musicians were released after making the corresponding protocol. For several days now, street music has been the subject of intense discussions on social networks. The opinions are different. The same image is in our surveys. The passers-by mostly like it, and the residents do not. At the same time, many people, especially tourists, consider the street musicians as part of the North Avenue. "Musicians are a good people, they give a unique color to the city and its streets. There will not be interesting without them," they say. Citizens offer their own solutions by bringing examples from other countries. There should be a law, according to which, musicians will be allowed to play only one and a half hours in the area. However, the Chief of Police commend the musicians to sing and play lower and only until 23:00. Merchants selling children's toys, balloons and other small items at Republic Square and North Avenue also are in the attention of the police. They are not allowed to sell their goods. Merchants are ready to even pay taxes in order just to work, as they have no other source of money. "I have a disability, I do not want to go and steal, they wither should allow me to sell or provide me with job," says the seller of the balloons. Toy sellers insist that they will continue to complain untill the issue is resolved.