Russian traffic lights preferred (video)
None of the state structures is aware of how the Russian traffic lights appeared on Komitas Avenue and Halabyan Street. Police spokesman said, without specifying, that it happened as a result of the competition. Konstantin Kostanyan, Head of Traffic Police Control Department, said that the company won the tender, as it offered a cheaper price. Three companies, "Elips GA" LLC, "Yerpet" LLC, and "Atlant" LLC applied for the procurement of traffic lights announced by "Lusanshan" NCTS. The winner is not the local producer "Elipse GA" LLC, which already has installed more than 250 traffic lights in Armenia and Artsakh. Konstantin Kostanyan was aware of the peculiarities of the Armenian and Russian traffic lights. "There are about 300 diodes in Armenian traffic lights and 90 in Russian. The Armenian ones are better." If so, then why did the Russian company win? The police representative advised to apply to the Ministry of Finance to understand why the priority had been given to Russian traffic lights. The Ministry of Finance assured that they had nothing to do with it. The police, providing funding, had given instructions to the "Lusanshan" company on where and which traffic lights to install. The "Lusanshan" is the company that preferred the low-cost and less resistant traffic lights of the Russian production, no matter how much it promoted local production. Hakob Stepanyan, Chief Engineer of the company, mentioned that all the information was published on their website and the competition procedure was open and transparent. Tough the company has no website. The architect probably meant the website of the Public Procurement Agency. By the way, the Ministry of Finance assures that next year there will be no such uncertainty. Starting from 2018, all traffic lights will be acquired through a competitive procedure, that is, an open procurement process will take place and it will enter public procurement. Details are available in the video