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“Armenia’s economy was affected as a result of closure of Russian-Georgian border” (video)


Moscow and Tbilisi have decided to cooperate over the reoperation of roads and trade, that’s the revival of “Commercial corridors” agreement signed between Russia and Georgia still in 2011. Economist Tatul Manaseryan thinks that Armenia must move forward its interests in this issue, “Armenia’s economy has also been affected as a result of closure of Russian-Georgian border. In this sense Armenia should look for cooperation prospects both with Georgia, Russia and Iran, lead such an active economic policy, which will attract everybody. I think that all the countries must be integrated in the region and find ways of cooperation. On the other hand, Russian and Georgia should develop such mechanisms, which will attract other players.” Stepan Grigoryan, Head of Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation, noted that Russia and Georgia have agreed to cooperate in the economic issues, putting aside political disagreements, “They have agreed to separate economic issue from political ones. They stress the development of economy. If in case of Karabakh issue, the parties agree to cooperate in terms of economy, the Georgian example will be very appropriate. Azerbaijan must follow the example of Georgia in this issue,” he noted.