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Bears of zoo brutally kill new bear (video)


A gray bear has died in the zoo. Two bears attacked the female bear, who lived in their neighborhood for 6 months, after which they brutally killed the bear. The incident took place early in the morning, when the park staff did not come to work yet. "When we knew about this, the animal was already killed. We examined the wear of teeth and understood the approximate age of the bear; it was quite young and fought with older animals," says chief animal expert Anna Asaturyan. Gardener's specialists consider this as beetle's intestinal fight and consider it natural. The animal scientist Harutyun Hovhannisyan remembers another similar case happened some years ago. "Almost 4-5 years ago, two lions harmed each other and a deadly incident was reported." The incident was discussed in the media mainly because of the idea that the bears attacked each other as a result of a hunger. The garden employee denies the news. "The animals were not hungry, I rule out, on the contrary, they are in the dripping season now and are preparing for winter." The park's security guards were present, so could not they take adequate measures? "Security officers walk around the area and they cannot stay near one cage." To the question whether the voices were heard at that moment, Harutyun Hovhannisyan said: "This process can be silent." However, chief animal expert Anna Asaturyan assures that if the incident took place at another time, it would have been possible to prevent the death of the animal. Anna Asaturyan finds it difficult to give more information about the bear, a identification code, which was in the animal's skin, was damaged during the incident. The Zoo Directorate conducts an examination of the incident. "A1+'s" question as to whether the killed bear was from Manvel Grigoryan's private house, the park employee denied, noting that the bear of Manvel Grigoryan's private house is kept in a different place.