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Valeri Osipyan: It is only Naira Zohrabyan's imagination that we are not aware of the situation (video)


Police Chief Valeri Osipyan voted early Thursday morning in Nubarashen # 10/54 polling station. Referring to the actions of the Police yesterday at the PAP's Ajapnyak electoral headquarters, the Chief of Police said to the journalists: "All the police actions were within the law and we will inform you about the progress." To note, yesterday there were reports of electoral bribes, and when asked whether the election bribe was distributed in that electoral headquarters, Valeri Osipyan said that those facts were being investigated and they would inform later. Naira Zohrabyan, the mayor candidate, said yesterday that these reports of electoral bribes were misinformation, and urged Valeri Osipian to file criminal cases on the article of fake betrayal. In response, the Chief of Police said: "It is only Naira Zohrabyan's imagination that we are not aware of the situation, the police are in charge of the operative situation in Armenia, and any alerts, reports, must be subject to compulsory research."