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Groups given order not only to take part in hostilities against Defense Army of Artsakh, but also to commit war crimes of terrorist nature against humanity

Earlier it was reported that under Art. 389, Point 1 of Part 1 of Art. 34-390, Point 1 of Part 3 of Art. 34-390 and Part 3 of Art. 395 of the RA Criminal Code a charge was brought against Mehrab Muhammad Al-Shkheir /born in 1975/, a citizen of the Syrian Arab Republic, found out by Artsakh Defense Army.
The charge was brought against for committing the criminal act that the latter, not being a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, not being included in the personnel of the Armed Forces of that country, as well as not being sent by another state to perform official duties in the Armed Forces, in exchange for financial compensation, was recruited by Turkey in Syria and after moving to Azerbaijan through the territory of Turkey, he took part in hostilities, including in the implementation of orders aimed at committing crimes against the civilian population of the Artsakh Republic.
From the combination of factual data that are on the basis of the charge brought against Mehrab Muhammad Al-Shkheir, as well as that are at the disposal of law enforcement agencies are obvious some schematic essential factors of the involvement of members of terrorist groups, jihadists-mercenaries by Azerbaijan in the aggressive war unleashed against the Republic of Artsakh, which are extremely important for giving legal assessments of what is happening with a view to raise the issue of bringing to justice the entities involved in this process.
✅1. In the Syrian settlements, by individuals (in the case of Mehrab Muhammad Al-Shkheir, by a person named Abu Hussein 23) were recruited (are being recruited) mercenaries to take part in hostilities in exchange of receiving financial compensation, in particular, in exchange of $ 2.000 (equal to Turkish lira). The latter are concentrated in the specific camps, in this case near the city of Kilis.
✅2. By the coordination of the heads of groups (in this case according to the testimonies of Mehrab Muhammad Al-Shkheir - Abu Hamsha, head of “Al Amshat” group) the chosen people by groups, without any identity documents, without any obstacles, with the knowledge and permission of Turkish border forces are heading to Turkey, then heading by buses to the Turkish civil airports, where with the permission of police officers of Turkey they are crossing the checkpoints, then getting on civil planes, and accompanied by servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Turkey heading to other civil airports, where again accompanied by Turkish Armed Forces servicemen, they are heading to Azerbaijan by civil planes.
✅3. Accompanied by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, without checking their passports, they are transported directly from the airport in an organized way to military facilities in Azerbaijan, where they are given uniforms with the emblem of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, and different types of weapons, thus members of actual terrorist groups, mercenaries become members of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan. Moreover, according to the available factual data, in the case of Mehrab Muhammad Al-Shkheir, the unit, consisting of 250 people, was headed by the leader of "Sultan Murad" group or member of the group Abu Hamsha, and it was located in a separate military facility, where about 18 members of the same group were located.
✅4. That subdivisions, consisting of terrorist members and mercenaries, are directly involved by the given instruction in the hostilities against the Republic of Artsakh. Specifically in the case of Mehrab Muhammad Al-Shkheir in the early morning of October 29, 2020, a group of about 250 members led by the head of the "Sultan Murad" group - Abu Hamsha, accompanied by servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, attacked one of the villages in the territory of the Republic of Artsakh.
✅5. It is an essential characteristic that these groups are given the order not only to take part in hostilities against the Defense Army of the Republic of Artsakh, but also to commit war crimes of a terrorist nature against humanity. According to the testimony of Mehrab Muhammad Al-Shkheir, in particular, they were given the order to attack a specific Armenian village in Artsakh, capture it, kill all the residents of the village, civilians and military personnel, carry out arson attacks, explosions and destabilize the region. This order could not be carried out in this case only because the group met resistance from Artsakh Defense Army and had to retreat.