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Armenian-Georgian focus group discussions will be reflected in policy recommendations with concrete actions

In the framework of the EU funded “Armenian-Georgian Platform for Policy Development” project the Yerevan and Tbilisi Schools of Political Studies organize a series of focus group meetings on the fight against corruption, anti-discrimination and tourism for economic growth. The third meeting had to be organized in an online format conditioned by the pandemic situation. Armenian-Georgian focus group discussions on anti-corruption took place on 8-10 May 2020 via an online platform.  

During the three-day online discussions 19 representatives from Yerevan and Tbilisi Schools of Political Studies carried out discussions on practical steps to prevent and fight corruption in Armenia and in Georgia. The group of young leaders looked into the existing gaps and challenges, as well as underlined the importance of education and raising awareness of the population in order to establish the perception of justice and “zero tolerance” towards corruption culture in the societies. The participants attached the importance to the lessons learned, the exchange of good practices and finding new niches for mutual cooperation.

Qualified Armenian and Georgian experts presented the situation, national strategies, legal regulations, policies and effective tools for combating corruption. Debates and discussions included topics like Classification and forms of corruption; Corruption mitigation strategies in the public and private sectors – good practices and new approaches; Growth-enhancing effects of anti-corruption policies; Detecting and investigating corruption; Corruption in the judiciary; Comparative analysis on corruption in Armenia and Georgia: causes, effects and solutions.

The results of the Armenian-Georgian focus group discussions will be reflected in policy recommendations with concrete actions prepared by experts of the Yerevan and Tbilisi Schools of Political Studies, to support the authorities to manage the corruption risks by preventing and detecting it. The policy recommendation will be presented in June 2020.

“Armenian-Georgian Platform for Policy Development” project is funded by the European Union under the Rapid Response Mechanism of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility. The project is implemented by the Yerevan School of Political Studies in cooperation with the Tbilisi School of Political Studies. Both Schools belong to the Network of the European Association of the Schools of Political Studies.