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Republican Party of Armenia held a pre-election meeting with Mkhchyan village of Ararat Province.

Village people asked PM Andranik Margaryan many questions, of social character, in particular. An old man wondered why the village hadn’t yet been supplied with irrigation water. Villagers have suffered from drought this year, and have reposed hopes in nature and precipitation.

“Irrigation problem is grave. There isn’t any water. How can we irrigate a whole land by a small river?” , Ararat Province residents complain.

But the water-pipe of 18 kilometres in length of Sevan-Hrazdan water-main was launched, which supplies water from Hrazdan River to 16 communes, thus irrigating 4000 hectares of land.

“8600 water consumers received irrigation water. This canal facilitates that less water might be left out of Sevan”, Vartan Movsisyan, Chair of the board for Water Users Union of Mkhchyan, says.

The irrigation net needs to be reconstructed. Besides the irrigation problems, villagers have the one for paying. They have today been given water to, and it is not known when they will be able to pay for it.

By the way, an important statistics exist - the most insolvent pay .