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The First Regional Environmental Festival Sun Child will kick off on April 1. A number of environmental events are scheduled for the festival: tree planting, greening, scavenging (garbage collecting) in 7 regions of Armenia, an environmental march from regions to Yerevan and an open-air concert with the participation of the best bands of Armenia.

The festival is aimed at raising public awareness of the environmental problems existing in region and to establish a neutral field for cooperation, thus promoting the search of new, efficient solutions.

Today “Narekatsi Art Centre” hosted Ruben Khachatryan, head of the festival. “The festival was organised in due time as something must be changed for the coming generations,” The festival is organized by the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets in the Republic of Armenia (FPWC) and Sun Child NGO.

To note, numerous pupils and students will participate in the tree planting. The initiators intend to hold the second part of the festival in October throughout the whole region.

It is noteworthy that all countries included in the festival program /Turkey, Georgia, Iran and Russia/ have already sent films except Azerbaijan. The film will be featured during the festival.

Sun Child has special award for the Armenian best film or program touching the issues of environment protection.