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Stinky ruins with rats, snakes, and scorpions under nose of residents (video)


Residents of the upper floors of 10/1 Shinararner building complained about the scene from the window and those living below- from the dust and stench. The area was in poor condition after demolishing Arzumanyan 8a building in the neighborhood. "It's been 10 years since the building was completely demolished. After the demolition, they should rebuilt something. Today, this place has become a public toilet," says one resident. The residents remember that before, there was a building and a small park in the area, but they can only guess who bought the area after considering the building as accidental and demolishing. According to them, people do everything here: they throw rubbish, there is a bad there where homeless people sleep, and before couples were sleeping in that bad. The concern of the residents of the building and the surrounding buildings is theirs and children's safety. There are no playgrounds nearby. Residents have noticed that people do not even leave the house to throw garbage, instead they throw them out of the window because this place is full of scorpions, snakes, rats, and wandering dogs. The neighbors have already collected about 400 signatures and are going to apply to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for the benefit of using the area and building a playground.