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Karine Danielyan: Amulsar has created a very serious risk zone (video)


Amulsar has created a very serious risk zone, but at the same time it is difficult to find solutions. Environmentalist Karine Danielyan told at the news conference today. "The problem lies in the fact that "Lydian Armenia" has worked openly and has spent a lot of money on solving social problems and supporting environmental issues. That is why the company leaders have the right to say that they have taken into consideration the environmental problems. They will have the right to apply to the International Court of Justice, and serious problems will arise for Armenia," says Karine Danielyan. According to her, it is necessary to conduct a new environmental impact study. "The law permits that if new circumstances are discovered, a new investigation and a new decision can be made. Perhaps this is the only way, but it is hard to say how hard it can be done without applying to the International Court later."