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Haykaz Vardanyan: They want taxes to be paid for a land that cannot be cultivated

The resident of Nerkin Karmiraghbyur, Haykaz Vardanyan, was surprised when he was asked to pay the land tax. "They want taxes to be paid for the land which one cannot cultivate," he said. And there are a lot of such land: 4000 hectares of vineyards, which remain uncultivated because of Azerbaijan's target. The man who has participated in the defense of the Homeland is ready to pay any tax if there is an opportunity to cultivate the land. If he could use the land he would have a permanent means of living. Now he lives on the account of his son who sends money to him. "My son works in Russia, he sends money, so we live." The majority of the residents of Nerkin Karmiraghbyur get income from land because few are engaged in cattle breeding. The villagers have not complained about the rise in prices yet. "It did not affect winter season, we still have everything from summer." But the effect will be felt when spring works begin. "We need to buy diesel oil to  to start the spring sowing, cultivate the land; and its price has risen." The resident of Nerkin Karmiraghbyur follows the political developments but does not want to talk about it. When is their voice heard? In response to a question on rising the concerns with the help of MPs he said joikng "Do we have such..." Haykaz Vardanyan has hosted one of the village teachers who worked for the "Teach Armenia" program. His daughter, Narine, also teaches in Artsakh with the same program.