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Prime Minister instructs not to reduce the pace of construction

Construction work should no longer  depend on the weather. Karen Karapetyan instructed the Deputy of the State Committee for Urban Development to elaborate and approve a draft legal act on organizing construction works in accordance with the requirements of weather conditions and ensuring conditions within 40 days. "Local authorities, taking into account the weather conditions, decide whether to grant or deny construction work permits.  As a result, public service organizations, despite the need to carry out construction work, are often deprived of the opportunity to do the work in winter because they are not provided with adequate permits. We met with the infrastructure managers who say that because no permission is given in winter, the work accumulates. And in general, we have a stereotype that  construction work cannot be done in winter; how do the northern countries manage it? You should study the experience not to reduce the pace of construction," mentioned Karen Karapetyan.